
The Naval Review

The Stubbs Society is proud to include The Naval Review among its partners. The review was founded in 1912, when a group of Royal Navy officers started a Naval Society for correspondence on professional matters. In February 1913, they published the first issue of a new quarterly journal, The Naval Review. Over a century later The Naval Review continues to represent the interests and concerns surrounding Military Maritime Matters. Its members are drawn from serving and retired personnel in the Royal Navy, Royal Marines and the Royal Fleet Auxiliary and their Reserve arms above and below decks. Those of a like mind who also have a genuine and bonafide interest are also welcome to apply to join. A new ‘Digital First’ approach is being launched in 2023 to encourage a more dynamic exchange of ideas in real time as well as maintaining the hardcopy quarterly journal for those who prefer a more traditional product.

The Naval Review kindly provides a 50% discount on subscriptions to Stubbs Society Members, providing unparalleled access to a complete library containing 100 years of journals, a treasure trove of over 8,000 articles on Royal Naval History, Strategy and Thought which charts the evolution of the challenges and thinking prevalent in the Service.

Stubbs Members can access the reduced membership here, where members can use their Oxford Email addresses and select ‘Yes’ to an existing member recommending you and write ‘Stubbs Society’ into the ‘name of member’ field.

Gilpin’s Gin

From MT23, The Stubbs Society is also fortunate to count Gilpin’s Gin among our partners, providing spirits for our fresher’s events and for drinks receptions after our guest speaker events.

Launched in 2011, Gilpin’s makes some of London’s finest Gin. Don’t just take our word for it: it has won numerous awards, including the 2014 World Drinks Award for the “World’s Best Gin”.

There is no drink that the Society would be more proud to serve: the committee looks forward to sharing a G&T with members in the terms to come. More information can be found about Gilpin’s Gin here.

UCL Diplomatic Society

UCL Diplomacy Society is the largest international-based society at UCL. They inform members about current political and economic affairs, providing a valuable opportunity to learn and engage in areas of foreign policy. The Society hosts exciting guest talks, roundtable events, embassy visits and formal dinners with senior leaders. Through their network of diverse connections, they support students pursuing a career in foreign affairs and diplomacy.